The Consulting Services Your School Can Rely On


The ICG team has worked with over 75 districts across urban, rural, and suburban sites to improve results in early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school settings. The ICG team begins by conducting an analysis of the current systems within a focus area schools identify as a need for support. ICG then follows a stage-based approach to provide implementation support. Support plans are developed and tailored to the specific needs of individual schools or districts.


The work of the ICG team focuses on designing plans and providing support that leads to the achievement of goals set early in the support process. The transformation occurs through cultivation of district and school level capacity to build, monitor and continuously improve academic and behavioral support systems. Teams learn processes to select, implement, and sustain programs and practices that meet the needs of their school.



Our team has extensive experience in providing professional development and coaching for: use of a systematic planning process to design and support implementation of an academic, behavioral, and social/emotional continuum of supports for students; selecting and implementing evidence-based core and intervention programs; analyzing and strengthening core programs; effective instructional delivery practices; monitoring fidelity of instruction and intervention implementation; use of valid and reliable universal screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessments; conducting and using data from instructional observations; data-based coaching; intensifying instruction and intervention for students; writing meaningful IEPs; and data-based decision making.